The socioeconomic impact of prehabilitation in knee and hip transplantation in cross-border cooperation.

Total knee and hip replacement (i.e. total endoprosthesis (TEP)) is one of the most common and invasive surgical procedures in orthopedic surgery. The majority of studies and projects to date have focused on optimizing the rehabilitation process following TEP. Our approach is that a combination of scientific knowledge, clinical experience and practice of the project partners in a multimodal prehabilitation program can optimize the clinical course of TEP. The aim of the cross-border cooperation is to develop a complex PREHAB program, including information and educational material for patients, with the involvement of the relevant target groups, in particular primary care and outpatient care.



Outpatient remobilization after total knee and hip arthroplasties

In the program region, the incidence of hip and knee replacement is high compared to Europe. In recent years there have been advances in surgical technique and rehabilitation, but long waiting times for inpatient rehabilitation. The aim of the project is to develop an alternative and cheaper treatment scheme the early outpatient remobilization. Another advantage of early remobilization close to home is that patients remain in their familiar social environment and this therefore supports rapid re-integration into everyday life. The project is carried out in cooperation with orthopedic and traumatology departments of acute hospitals and social insurance and health insurance companies in the program region. The results of the project will be made publicly available and disseminated further into practice by the strategic partners.

Project Partners:

Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft – Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Rehabilitation Research

Komenius Universität in Bratislava – Fakultät für Körpererziehung und Sport


Funding Source: EFRE

Duration: 01.04.2021 – 31.12.2022

a. Röntgenbild einer Hüftprothese
b. Häufigkeit von A) Total-Knie- und B) Hüft-Ersatz in Europa pro 100.000 Einwohner (Quelle: EUROSTAT)

Outcome Research

Chronic diseases are increasing in modern society as the population ages.

The severity of the underlying diseases and the expectation that physical function can be restored determine the need for rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is an important component of the Austrian health care system with very good treatment outcomes, but action is needed to keep pace with current demands. Outcome measures are widely used in health care, but there are no current and published results on medical outcomes, control groups or specific reference values in Austria. There is no satisfactory documentation of patient progress, nor is the sustainability of rehabilitative treatment verified in practice.
Therefore, our goal is to track the patient’s health status in the rehabilitation process after a critical event (surgery, injury) or in the case of a chronic disease through all stages of further development, focusing on existing opportunities, routine outcome measures, and critical success factors (such as sex, gender, age, lifestyle, comorbidities and baseline values) and their sustainability.
Learning and development occur at all stages, between and within stakeholders, at personal, methodological, and institutional levels. Monitoring the course of recovery and identifying potentially relevant factors and methods for improvement will add new aspects of rehabilitation research to clinical practice.

CSF – Critical Success Factors