28 Nov 2024 by lbireha

Evidence and new concepts in rehabilitation in Austria – 1st Salzburg Symposium on Rehabilitation Research

Salzburg, 22 November 2024: Fresh snow greeted the participants of the 1st Salzburg Symposium on Rehabilitation Research in the city of Mozart, which was organized by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes of Arhtritis and Rehabilitation, Digital Health and Prevention and Rehabilitation Research in cooperation with the province of Salzburg.

We would like to thank the speakers and over 200 participants for their exciting insights into the current rehabilitation landscape and research. At the same time, we were able to take a look together at forward-looking topics such as “Apps on prescription” and “Telemedicine”.

In four varied sessions, not only were current developments and perspectives presented, but numerous questions from the audience were also lively discussed.

Led by our partner board member Michael Fischer, the session Evidence and new concepts in rehabilitation in Austria addressed critical success factors and outcome measures in rehabilitation as well as modular telemedicine with evidence-based and innovative approaches. Strategies for increasing sustainability and the presentation of new concepts from the Pension Insurance Institution highlighted new perspectives. Finally, experiences from one and a half years of the Reha Hub were presented. Speakers included:

  • Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Bernhard Pfeifer (Head of the Healthcare Networking and TeleHealth Division, UMIT Tirol)
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Bibiane Steinecker-Frohnwieser (Head of the Ludwig Boltzmann Department for Rehabilitation Saalfelden and Gröbming)
  • Dr. Monika Mustak-Blagusz, MBA (Chief physician, Pensionsversicherungsanstalt)

The highlight was the concluding panel discussion with renowned experts:

  • Mag. Daniela Gutschi (State Councillor Salzburg),
  • Mag. Dr. Silvia Lechner, EMBA HSG (Managing Director SALK),
  • Mag. Canan Ayetkin (Deputy General Manager, Pensionsversicherungsanstalt),
  • Peter Lehner (Chairman, Social Insurance for the Self-Employed),
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tanja Stamm, PhD (MedUni Vienna, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation),
  • Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Josef Niebauer, MBA (Univ. Clinic Salzburg, LBI for Digital Health and Prevention),
  • Dr. Alexandra Ferdin (Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection).

Together, they addressed the central theme of “Recognizing opportunities and overcoming barriers” and examined it from various perspectives.

Our team was also represented and took the opportunity to engage in lively discussions with colleagues from other LBIs and the event participants.

The consistently positive feedback is cause for celebration and gives us hope that this inspiring format will be continued.